
Product | Potentiostat/Galvanostat
WPG Series
SI Software for WPG
  • SI Software for WPG series
  • Provides pre-defined techniques menu and universal test procedure menu for user to make their own experiment procedure with cycle, loop and "and/or" logic. To use this software, SIF board is required.
      응용 분야


    • 32bit/64bit OS environment
    • TCP/IP communication
    • Max. 200 steps
    • Max. 10 cutoff(vertex) condition
    • Max. 400,000 data point memory on control board
    • Single/multichannel control panel
    • Various real time plots & universal axis graphs
    • Data backup function
    • WYSIWYG graphics
    • User friendly software
    • Predefined technique menu
      Electroanalytical techniques.
      - Cyclic voltammetry
      - Linear sweep voltammetry
      - Chrono-amperometry
      - Chrono-coulometry
      - Chrono-potentiometry
      Corrosion measurement
      - Tafel plot
      - Potentiodynamic
      - Potentiostatic
      - Galvanostatic
      - Cyclic polarization
      - Ecorr vs. time
      - Linear polarization resistance
    • Evergy Test
      - CC/CV (Lithium battery) test menu
      - CC/CC (NiCd(NiMH) battery) test menu
      - Steady state CV
      - Pstat IV curve
      - Gstat IV curve
      - EVS (Electrochemical voltage spectroscopy) test
      - GITT (Galvanostatic intermittent titration technique) test
      - PITT (Potentiostatic intermittent titration technique) test

    • Schedule editor
      • One stop test condition creation/modification
      • Multiple input parameters available
      • Max. 200 test steps
      • Control parameters
      - Constant voltage, LastV
      - Constant current, LastI
      - Constant power
      - Constant load
      - C-rate
      - Voltage scanning, current scanning
      - Conditioning potential
      - Conditioning current
      - Rest
      - LastVscan
      - CstepV(Staircase Voltage Sweep)
      - CstepI(Staircase Current Sweep)
      - CC/CV, CL/CV, CP/CV, Crate/CV
      - Id, Is control

    • Single channel & multichannel control/monitor panel

      - Single channel control/monitor panel

      - Multichannel control/monitor panel

    • Single monitor
      - Real time display: time, voltage, current, channel status
      - Channel status color display: charging, discharging, standby, idle, calibration

    • Control type
      voltage, current, power, load, rest, C-rate, current scan, voltage scan,
      conditioning potential, voltage step, current step, rest conditioning,
      Last I, Last V, OCV, LastVscan, VocScan, ZRA
    • Cut-Off (Vertex)
      time, voltage, current, dV/dt, dI/dt, percentage capacity (FCC, FCD, LCC, LCD),
      cycle time, capacity, -dV, power, temperature, Aux voltage, Calc voltage, dT/dt
    • Data acquisition setting
      time, dV/dt, dI/dt, dT/dt, dV2/dt
    • And/Or logic available in cut-off condition
    • Virtual control panel
      - In virtual control panel, it displays real time graphics (V vs. I, V & I vs. time, V vs.
        logI etc)to fit its own techniques. It also displays current data and other informa
        tion of current experiment.
      - Experiment parameters can be saved or loaded on the virtual control panel.
      - On experiment running, users can data analysis or other tasking simultaneously.
      - Nominate data saving folder by user selection
      - Cell connection check function

    • Rea time data monitor
      - Displayed test data: status, running time, step number, cycle number, step time,
      current range, current, voltage, capacity, power, energy, Aux V, Calc V, temp,
      cycle file name, data file name, and file size.

    • Tools
      - Data Editor: General data report, Cycle data report
      - Data editing
      - Data filtering
    • Graphics
      - Universal graphic function
        User can set X, Y, Y1 axis variable
      - User can use this function for running experiment
      - With re-load button click, the data format can be changed with out data loading.
      - File overlay: Max. 20 files
      - Automatic scaling and manual scale/polarity setting available
      - Crosshair data pointing displays the data value by mouse click
      - Caption available on the graph
      - Density, specific value display
      - Slope calculation function
      - Grid and pixel/line selection
      - Copy to clip board for graphic data
      - Data conversion only for graph data
      - Parameter change without reloading the data file
      - Data set On/Off: Data can be visible or invisible by selecting/deselecting the data set
      - Rest step data hidden function
      - Advanced graph setting

    • Safety limit & fail check function
      - To protect hardware, this system stops the experiment run automatically when
        detect the any value over hardware specification or user defined safety value.
      - It also stops the experiment running when the control value is different from
        measured value by wrong connection or abnormal reference electrode etc.
      - If the user tries to close the program by mistake operation, the program refuses
        this operation.
      - This system monitor the cell voltage and if the voltage value is too small, then
        warning message will be display to protect wrong cell connection.

    IVMAN™ Main Software